Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bucket Lamp

Take a look at this little bucket lamp.
It's the cutest thing!
This particular one is found on an online store and comes
with a hefty price tag. (coughcough$100cough)
How simple can this be to make?
Well I'm going junking this weekend and I'm sure to find an old bucket just the right size, somewhere!
I'll make one and find out.
For now, this is still so darling!


  1. Did you ever make one of these??

    1. I actually did! But I never posted it I guess. You can see a small picture of it on this post.
      Now if you ask if I ever posted a tutorial on the teacup lamp, sadly I never did.

  2. Que lindo, estou procurando um lustre para colocar no gazebo, adorei sua dica. Lindo e original.
    Tenha um belo dia.


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