Tuesday, November 24, 2009

An Intermission of Sorts....

You've probably noticed I've taken a bit of a break lately.
I am working on a few projects that will be posted shortly

For now, with Christmas season in full swing, I thought I would post a few inspiring pictures.  For those of us who are do-it-yourselfers, these little projects can be easily assembled in time for Holiday decorating! Today I'm concentrating on Christmas Wreaths
(You can never have too many wreaths in my opinion)

Hang any small wreath in front of a mirror
Courtesy of Good Housekeeping

This nifty wreath is made from cutting old Christmas Cards into holly leaves.
Start drinking.. you'll need 22 corks for this one.

Cookie Cutter Wreath.. how clever!

I'm sure every man's closet holds ties he'll never wear again.  Round some up for this project.

You know, I bet if you stuck anything to a grape vine wreath and spray painted it white added a bow, you'd have one fantastic wreath. Go ahead, try it.. glue ANYTHING to it!

This is always a holiday favorite and SO easy to make.
Courtesy of Good Housekeeping
For instructions on how to do any of the above wreaths
click here

I had to add this one cause I love the idea so much
Cover the label of any wine bottle with silver wrapping paper, tie with a ribbon and use as candle holders.
Courtesty of Good Housekeeping


  1. Hi Lisa!
    I love the wreaths! I have always wanted to make the one w/ the shiny ornaments. Love the idea of the grapevine wreath too---kind of a flocked wreath huh?
    Can't wait to see what fabulous things you are re-creating!
    Thanks for coming by today! :)


  2. I LOVE that cork wreath...my husband enjoys wine, so we have several---okay, a lot!---of corks that I've just been putting in empty milk bottles. I'm thinking that a cork wreath is in my future!!! Thanks for sharing!

    Blessings, Grace

  3. I love wreaths, but have never really make my own. I think I'll make a glass ornament one this year. Thanks for all of the inspiration!

  4. These wreaths are so pretty and I am drawn to the ornament wreath once again even though the cookie cutter one would be so cute in the kitchen! I love the wine bottle shot ~ I may just need to try that one out myself...


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