Sunday, March 21, 2010

the kitchen chronicles – Part 10

Wine Rack to Open Shelf and New Pantry
When I bought my house I knew the kitchen needed a major overhaul, but one thing that really bugged me was this little wine rack that really served no purpose , as it was impossible to find any full size wine bottles that would fit in it.  So out it comes.
old wine rack
range hood demolition 001
The dowels that were used for the rack were both glued and screwed into each side, which made for some really nasty holes that were impossible to fill and smooth.  Bead board to the rescue.
  Bead board was used for all three sides, while a smooth, thin hardboard was used for the top and bottom.  With the addition of a shelf and some fancy trim, the useless wine rack becomes a practical, decorative shelf.
 kitchen shelf
As for the new pantry, let me remind you what it looked like before with those, um.. ‘lovely’ plywood doors!
pantry before
Here is a look at the new pantry doors.
pantry 002
pantry 007
We put a rope trim on the edge of the pantry, that matches the rope trim on the edge of the black island.
pantry 012
pantry 009
We’re making great progress… the range hood will be up this week followed by the finishing trim work . I’m so excited!!
smiley sunflower 

Linked up to Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch


  1. You have a great blog and a gorgeous house!!! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and commenting on my chair upholstery catastrophy! lol jk. I'm following you now and can't wait to see more pics of that gorgeous kitchen!

  2. I so love the molding around your arch. I would love to do that in my house.

  3. Totally lovin the wine rack turned shelf! Oh the cute little goodies you could put in there. The transformation of the pantry door is amazing! Such a great job - can not wait to see everything come together! Happy Spring!

  4. What a great little spot now that the wine rack is gone and the pantry transformation looks wonderful! Almost there......

  5. I love this! So clean, fresh and organized in appearance. White is my fav too with all the molding. ♥

  6. the shelves are a vast improvement on the weird wine rack - love the bead board!

  7. Looks fantastic! I love all the trim that you are using...makes everything look professional and has a more built in look! LOVELY!

    Blessings, Grace

  8. Hi Lisa, I really enjoyed reading your kitchen chronicles. My kitchen is similar to yours but smaller. I painted our island a deep red color last summer and gave it a mini makeover.

    Love your blog!
    Thanks for stopping by and the nice comments, hope you come back often.

  9. Wow! Last post I was caught up on was Kitchen chronicles,part 8. I had a little catching up to do. Your kitchen remodel is just gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing your new range hood.

  10. Lisa everything looks so amazing! It's really come a long way. You are truly very talented! I'd love to learn half the stuff you can do :) You are a great inspiration. You make it sound so easy! :) I hope everything is well with you! Can't wait for the next update :)
    Take care :)

  11. Loooove the rope trim! This is gorgeous!

    Lou Cinda ")


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