Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fire Pit Patio

I’ve put off doing the backyard for a couple of years now.  It’s never been much to look at.  The first year I moved here I was pleasantly surprised to find raspberry bushes in the yard. Three years later those nice raspberry bushes took over that entire side.. and were steadily creeping into the center of the yard.  As much as I hated to do it, I pulled them out, (anyone who has had raspberry bushes KNOWS what I mean when I say this wasn’t easy). 
So we were left with an empty pile of dirt, weeds and a tree, which really doesn’t belong there, but I’m NOT moving it now.  Please ignore the broken lattice, that is a project for another day.
We started by cutting out a circle.
(Mr. Charming,  out standing in his field)
Fire Pit Patio 002a
After the circle was cut and the grass removed, we laid down some landscapers cloth. The cloth was then covered in limestone screening. Fire Pit Patio 010a
We used an edging stone to keep everything contained then filled in with more screening.  If you can get a tamper, tamper the limestone down.  The stones we were laying were not interlocked, so it was also easy to level each one. 
Fire Pit Patio 014a
Coco of course, was in her glory during this process. She’s only allowed in the yard when we’re out there so she had an eventful week… so much to explore.Fire Pit Patio 016a
Once the screening was at the right level and packed down, it was time to lay the stones.  We also planted a few boxwood and euonymus shrubs that I found on sale at the time.
Fire Pit Patio 019a
Any opportunity to take the embarrassing backside picture of Mr. Charming, (yet again)Fire Pit Patio 024a
Working ourselves into a beautiful sunset. 
The spaces around the stones were filled with Pea Stone and packed down. The planting has begun.Fire Pit Patio 025a Fire Pit Patio 027a
Coco, still enjoying herself.Fire Pit Patio 018aAfter a little adjusting here and there, and a little more planting, (insert old fire pit)… and we have our new fire pit patio.
Fire Pit Patio 072a
Fire Pit Patio 050a
Fire Pit Patio 038a
Fire Pit Patio 073b
This time as sun sets, we’ll be out enjoying our new fire pit patio.
Fire Pit Patio 078a

The fire pit diameter is 12 feet.   We used 58 paver stones for that size.


  1. Nice job! Silly question, but are you actually able to use the fire pit? I'd love to get one, but we're inside city limits and not allowed to have open flame other than a bbq.

    1. Only have a couple of logs in your fire pit and avoid damp wood or anything that makes alot of smoke. Just have a cooking grate nearby and say it is a cooking fire.

  2. Hi Tanya
    That's a very good question. We have used it several times without a problem. I have heard though, you need to keep a package of hotdogs or something you might grill over an open fire by your side.. that way, it makes no difference whether you are cooking on a BBQ with charcoal or an open fire with wood. (I've just heard that, never actually sat with weenies beside So far so good though!

  3. I love your circle patio area for your fire pit. What a perfect circle. I know all of that must have been really hard work. Boy did it pay off.

  4. What an incredibly great job you two did! It's gorgeous! You're going to enjoy many an evening there. Here in Texas, it would be wasted on us. Too hot most of the year to use it. LOVE how you created this! You should link up to the porch party I posted on earlier. Because it includes all outdoor spaces.

  5. Looks good Lisa! That is a big project and back-breaking work! We've laid a brick patio before, so I empathize! But, it's so worth all the work in the end!

    Great job!


  6. You did a wonderful job of building that area. Love the pavers and I bet you enjoy your yard a lot more now. We have the same green chairs.

  7. Such a transformation, and what a nice place to have a fire and enjoy the plantings as well.

  8. Hi Lisa
    Your firepit patio turned out great! I am glad that you joined the party today.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  9. What a great transformation. Fun to see all the steps as you put it together!

  10. Wow!
    What a gorgeous job on that patio!
    That's a lot of work, kudos to your hubby!
    You looks like a million bucks now!

  11. Beautiful job on this patio!! I would love to give this a try one day. We have a fire pit and it's a lot of fun for us and our teenagers to have bon fires. I like it better in the Fall when it is cooler but it's fun on a cool summer night too. Enjoy it!

  12. That's a great fire pit patio, Lisa! I hope you guys enjoy that alot. We love to have have fires, and the fire department has been here for every one - legal or not! Someone always calls us in (we do live RIGHT in the city, though), but I'll never give up all of those fun times, roasting weenies and making s'mores. I'm glad to find your blog!
    Cheers, Andrea

  13. What a great job, and a lot of work but it looks like it was well worth it. Very nice.


  14. Well it sure looks fabulous now Lisa....I love it and would be enjoying it guys are good!~

  15. I think that this is quite cute! I love it!!!

  16. We have been wanting a fire pit...yours looks stunning!

  17. That looks great. I was thinking about getting one of those for my deck but I'm not sure whether that would be safe on a wood deck??

    1. I use a gas firepit on my deck and a wood firepit in my yard

  18. Lisa, that is really neat! I wish we had something like that in our yard. Love your little helper you have there.

    Looks like a lot of fun, and you all really did a super job on this. How long total did it take you to build your paver area?

    Happy Porch Party!


    Sheila :-)

  19. Enjoyed your porch party. This is the first I have seen this party, but I am pretty new to bloggin. It was great showing the work as you went along. Absolute transformation. Enjoy the party until I get there.

  20. That is so nice. I love the color of the chairs too....Looks like everything is growing beautifully!

  21. Lisa, what a transformation. This is now a fantastic spot to enjoy an evening around the fire pit. I hope you are also linking this to Metamorphosis Monday.

  22. GREAT job!! It looks amazing!!

  23. Wow - what a great job! I'll look forward to seeing pix of y'all using it!!!!

  24. I love it Lisa ~ you guys did an awesome job! There is nothing better on a summer's night than sitting by the fire.

  25. Wow!
    You did great job.
    I love the circle, and I know from experience what hard word that must have been.
    I enjoyed visiting- I am now a follower!

    White Spray Paint

  26. I have raspberries so I know that must have been hard pulling them out! You guys did a wonderful job! It looks like a great place to kick back and relax!


  27. this turned out fantastic love it.....alot hard work pays off...enjoy

  28. What a beautiful job you did.
    I love your backyard!!!

    visit me anytime...

  29. That looks so fantastic! You two make a great team. What a difference in the look of your yard now, thank you for sharing! marcia

  30. That came out so nice. Great job!!!

  31. What a lot of work - and it looks so amazing !

    Thanks for sharing !


  32. Wow! Your firepit patio is a major improvement from before. I luv the colors you picked. Congrats, job well done! Stopping by from MM.

  33. You guys have created such a wonderful spot in your yard! I love it!!

  34. So serene! It looks amazing. Never knew that rasberry bushes take over like that.

  35. What a lovely, relaxing spot you have now! You did a WONDERFUL job! Hope you are enjoying it! :)

  36. You created a lovely spot to relax-much better than the raspberry canes!


  37. What a great job! It inspires me to think that someday we might complete a yard project:)

    The stones with the pea gravel look so great and I love your chairs and fire pit. I hope you get a lot of chances to enjoy your backyard!

  38. That is awesome! Great job! Looks like the perfect place to relax. :)

  39. LOVE it! I just snagged your post for inspiration.

  40. Great job! I love the patio and your new plants behind it.

  41. Outside fire pits are fun to have. Marshmallows are always close for roasting.

  42. What a great project and it turned out fabulous!

  43. What a wonderful spot. Perfect for day and night.

  44. What a fabulous project. I love everything about it. Love the corner you tucked it into -- all the new bushes are so very pretty. Love the stone you used. We have something very similar in our back yard -- with a fire pit on it too! We've enjoyed it so much -- I'm sure you'll enjoy yours!

  45. Looks like something on DIY network. Wow, what a great job. I would love to relax there. We need to do that in our yard someday. Great job.

  46. This is simply amazing!! Enjoy it to the max!
    ~Terrell @ FrouFrouDecor~

  47. Fantastic job!. I have been trying to talk hubby into something similar for years. I'm totally going to show him your finished project in hopes that he will finally say yes!

  48. Congratulations! You made the Top 5 Hits this week, at Singing With Birds with your fabulous Fire Pit Patio. Come check us out!

  49. This looks GREAT! You did an awesome job! Hubby was just saying last night how he wants a fire pit so this might be a good idea for us. Thanks!

  50. WOW! Simply Beautiful! Thanks for joining us for Anything Related #12! ~Bridgette

  51. OMGosh again! It is awesome! You are my kinda gal! Right down to those green chairs! Can I come hang out sometime? lol!

  52. Wonderful job! It looks great!


  53. It turned out great!! And I love the plants around it.

  54. I so love outdoor living and your new space looks like sooooo much FUN! Hop over and enter my COASTAL GIVEAWAY...I think you will like it!


  55. What a wonderful space you created. It's like a restful little oasis in your own back yard. Great job.


  56. It looks great! It makes me excited to get some of my yard work projects done this summer.

  57. WOW! This is beautiful! I'm in love!

    I'm featuring this at Life as Lori during my Get Your Craft on Thursday! If you would like to stop by and grab my I was featured button please do so!

  58. Love the fire pit. We are wanting to do one and you gave me some good ideas where to start. Coco is beautiful!! We had one like her growing up.

  59. Looks great. Enjoyed seeing the progress from your pictures.

  60. What a great place to relax. It looks wonderful will you be doing s'mores? Perfect. I'm a new follower.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  61. Found you on Houzz, and was wondering the diameter of your patio? Great Job!

  62. This looks wonderful. Where did you get your stones?

  63. What is the size of your patio?

  64. Hi, we want to put this in our yard. How many pavers and flat stones did you use for your project?

    I forgot the email address!

  66. Do you have an estimate of what the materials cost?

  67. Could you give me an estimate of how much you needed of eachis product

  68. Forgot to leave email

    Asking for rough estimate of cost and estimate of items that you needed

  69. What diameter is yours? What type of stones are those. What is the total cost not including the plants. My email is ThAnks

  70. Hi... this looks amazing. What type of stones did you use ..and where can I purchase them? my email is

  71. Hi I love your patio would mind telling me the diameter is and how much it costs when you did yours. Thank you my email is

  72. What is the diameter and what did the materials cost? We are looking to build one!

  73. What's the diameter and where did you find all the materials??? This is gorgeous!

  74. Hi - If you have materials and dimensions info that you can share that would be so helpful - thank you!

  75. Hi. What are the dimensions for your patio and your estimated cost for your project.

  76. Hi! Wow! So beautiful! Can you email me a full list of materials used as well as where you purchased them, I want to do this project in the next couple of weeks! Thanks!

  77. what was the total cost and dimensions?

  78. Love this for our yard! Would you mind emailing the diameter of your patio circle? Materials estimate? Thanks!

  79. We are wanting to do something similar in our back yard. Would you mind emailing the diameter of your patio circle? Estimated materials cost? Thanks!

  80. Absolutely love this. Could you email me with the diameter for the patio and cost?

  81. Would like to get information on how many pavers bricks were used and dimensions..thanks

  82. Love this! Would you mind emailing me the cost of the 12 ft patio and how many of the outside board bricks you used. I see you used 58 pavers. Thank you!

  83. I love this project and plan to do something similar in my backyard. Would you be so kind as to send me more information on where you purchased the stones that make up the middle of your gorgeous fire pit? Also, how many bricks you needed to buy for the border? Thanks in advance-


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