This past weekend was a holiday weekend in Canada. I was very lucky to be given an EXTRA day off. A FOUR day weekend! Although I only live 30 minutes from downtown I don’t get down to the city much, but on Saturday we took a trip to St. Lawrence Market and the Toronto Waterfront.
For those who aren’t familiar, The St. Lawrence Market started as a Saturday Farmer’s Market in 1803. It’s located in the heart of Toronto, near the Waterfront.
(I cut off the ‘3’, in the picture, but pretend its there)
The sign of a true master photographer.. wait till you get in the car and take pictures leaning over your dashboard.
I remember visiting here quite regularly when I was small. My parents would drag us down there on a Saturday morning. As a child, I was less than impressed. I remember being traumatized by the crudeness of it all. Displays of pigs heads alongside the pork chops. This of course was back in 1960somethingorother. Well I’m happy to report the heads are gone, but the fresh meats and produce are still in abundance.
Here, Canadian Back Bacon is roasted with maple syrup and brown sugar, until the outside is crispy with sweetness. She will cut you some to take home, but most of us ate it out of the bag while strolling the market.
You can buy clothes, jewellery,
… and a few whimsical items.
Right outside the market is Toronto’s Flatiron Building, completed in 1892. A favourite of mine.
With a shot of the CN Tower in the background.
A beautiful shot, if I do say so myself. NOT from inside my car.
A couple of blocks south is the Waterfront, where you’ll find this statuesque lovely lady,
smiling and posing for pictures.
You’ll also find my boat docked there..
well… maybe some day…(heavy sigh)

But I DID spot this little beaut available for rent. I turned to Mr. Charming and hinted at what a wonderful weekend we could spend aboard this dream!!
Whereupon Mr. Charming casually turned the camera one spot to the right and said he would be happy to rent this one for me. (extremely heavy sigh)
The Tall Ships were also in town this past weekend. What a treat to see those!
The Simcoe WaveDeck is just a little added fun while walking along the Harbourfront.
You can choose the level you’re comfortable with.
Well, that’s my walk around a little slice of this wonderful town this past Canada Day weekend.