Monday, July 19, 2010

Giveaway Winner!

sterling silver cross 001a Before I announce the winner of the Sterling Silver Cross giveaway, I must start with a big fat thank you to all of you who entered.  I am still overwhelmed by how many of you take the time to show up here every so often.  So thank you to my followers and subscribers as well.
Now lets get to it!
Trusty random number generator has chosen lucky number 6

Kim from Savvy Southern Style is our lucky lady. 
Congrats Kim~!  I’ll be emailing you for your information.
Now back to our regular scheduled programming.
I have a couple of projects ready to roll. I think you’re going to like.
Stay tuned !


  1. Congrats to Kim! Love that pitcher the photo, Lisa.

  2. Lisa, thanks so much for the opportunity to win this lovely necklace. I can't wait to see it in person!

  3. Congrats to Kim! I know she is going to adore this! How wonderful!


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