Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cake Pops – Halloween Style!

In case you haven’t seen the latest and greatest cake pop craze, here is my version of Bakerella’s fabulous Halloween Pops.  They’re fun and they’re delicious.
I am definitely hooked to making these little guys !!!
I wont bother with the whole recipe since you can find that and more on Bakerella’s site.
But I will say that making the cake balls couldn’t be easier. Anything that starts with a cake mix and some ready made frosting is a winner in my book.
cake pops halloween 027a
And what’s even better -
it doesn’t matter what your cake looks like cause it just ends up like this!cake pops halloween 030a
and then like this
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Armed with my candy melts, lollypop sticks and edible pen, I begin the process.
cake pops halloween 031a
A couple of hours later, a few lessons learned (and a few pops ingested), here is what I came up with.
Thanks Bakerella for your spot-on instructions!
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I fully intend on making the turkey cake pops for Thanksgiving, and if they turn out I’ll post them.  Since I’ll be a seasoned cake popper by then, I might try a design all my own!
I thought this looked like a mug shot
cake pops halloween 037a

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  1. I tried making these once and realized they are not as easy as they look. Yours are adorable. Really, really cute. And that mug shot -- hilarious!

  2. Oh what fun -- that mug shot is cracking me up. What a fun time you must have had.

  3. Lovin the mummy ones. They have such personality.

  4. I have a couple of cake ball blogs you should check out. The first one is how NOT to make them, the second is How to make them right.
    I had an me some cake ball fun! Yours look so much better than mine!
    Thanks for the fun pics I love the mug shot!! HA!

  5. Those are adorable! And they look like they were done by a professional, too.

  6. Your cake pops look great! Those are fun. I agree....they do look like they were done by a professional. You've mastered the skill of making cake pops! Love the mug shot!

  7. how cute I am going to have to give these a try!!!

  8. In one word: W-O-W!! I am so impressed by your skills! The mummies are fantastic! The others too of course but the mummies are the coolest. Well done!

  9. Holy shyte those look good! Great job decorating 'em. I hear they aren't as easy to make (and make 'em look good) as it might seem!

    Good job!

  10. These are so fun! My kids would love them!

  11. Hi there! I am your newest follower from the Friday blog hop!Lovely blog!! You can find me at www.bouffeebambini.blogsot.com

    Love this idea! might have to try it

  12. These are great, thanks for adding them to my Halloween cupcake link party.

  13. I luv, luv, luv these darling cake pops........however, I can not find the recipe at bakerella. any suggestions?


  14. I am really going to have to try this. These are too cute!!


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