Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christmas Letter Blocks

Last year I did some wood block letters for Christmas and I had a request to do some more this year.
You need some 2”x4”s, a sanding block, some scrapbooking paper, spray paint, modge podge, your choice of letters, yada yada yada…. and presto.
Recycled and beautiful.

You can use scrapbook paper, Christmas paper, left over Christmas Cards.. whatever you have.
Cut the 2 x 4's to about 6 inches tall and sand them down really well.  Don't want any splinters!  Paint them up with your colour choice, modge podge some paper on the side and add letters.

I got these little wooden letters from Michael's Craft Store.  The were hot glued to the dried  modge podge.

Wood Blocks NOEL 010a 

Wood Blocks NOEL 006b

Wood Blocks NOEL 020a

Wood Blocks JOY 014a
Wood Blocks JOY 001a
Wood Blocks JOY 007a

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  1. Oh, these are great! I thought I was almost finished with my holiday crafts, but my list just grew. Can't wait to do these!

  2. I love them! I love that you used wood letters as I've seen these done with vinyl lettering but I don't have one of those machines. I actually like the depth the wood letters give these! Great for a quick and simple project, too. Love the papers you used. You've reminded me that I have a kit something like this that I need to pull out and do {before it's too late!}.

  3. Those are fantastic Lisa!!

    I am working on some letters for my kitchen...they weren't exactly what I wanted and was wondering how I was going to add some 'spark' and color to them.

    Now you've got me thinking maybe adding them to wood might be better than just the letters alone!!

    Oh and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the lights and wreath added to your header!!

  4. Love those!! Your pictures are gorgeous! I love the JOY pic with the twinkle in the ornament!

  5. Hi Lisa! This is too funny. Just last night I was going thru a bunch of old stuff to see what I could use in my booth and for an upcoming show. I came across a bag from Michael's. In it were four wooden letter exactly like those (but spelled my oldest daughter's name M-A-C-Y). I was trying to think of something unique to do with them and you've just sparked an idea I can do in their "Paris Apt" style room! I've had another daughter who just turned 6 so I guess I need to return and get G-R-A-C-E!)
    Thanks for the inspiration!
    Blessings to You,

  6. I love it! Very beautiful! Great idea!


  7. I LOVE these! Thanks for linking them up to Thrilling Thursday @ Paisley Passions :)

  8. These are just adorable! You've got my wheels spinning now!! :)

  9. Beautiful!! You are very creative! I'm blog hopping and am a new follower! Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back!!

  10. So charming and welcoming. This project is definitely you, Lisa! Beautiful completed and displayed down to the last detail. Thank you so much for sharing with the Boardwalk Bragfest. This project is a JOY!

  11. So easy, yet creative & personalized! I love it, and your blog!

  12. I love these! I added them to my link love today. Love your blog as well! Thanks for sharing.

  13. The Xmas blocks are a great idea for leftover 2x4s. I have plenty of leftovers because I cut several 2x4s too short for another project. Thanks for the great idea! Happy crafting.


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