Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Place on My Wall

What do these three things have in common?
A wicker place mat
Board and batten and plates 007a
A decorative bird plate
bird plate
and this wooden charger plate
Board and batten and plates 006a
Well normally put together they would make for one fabulous place setting, but I had something else in mind.  Instead of using them for my table, I wanted them for my wall.
Board and batten and plates 023a
I’ve just finished some Board and Batten throughout my entry, hallway and up the stairs. I wanted something different for the top. I didn’t want pictures, I didn’t want metal florals, but these, THESE caught my eye.  And since I couldn’t decide on which color to go with, I went with them all!
Board and batten and plates 037a
And down the hallway to the end, is Yellow Bird.
Board and batten and plates 044a
I might be a little unconventional in putting these together the way I did, but when simple works, work it simple!   Thread wire through the holes in the wicker, twist and make a heavy duty, secure loop.
Board and batten and plates 010a
I’ve learned that Velcro can be your best friend.
Board and batten and plates 013a
Velcro the backs of your plates, making sure the Velcro lands on the ridge of the back of the plate. There are two sizes of Velcro here, just to show you the difference.  The larger in the center is the industrial strength and it’s all you need. Notice how the piece in the middle covers the ridge of the plate on top and bottom.
Board and batten and plates 014a
Stick the plate to the charger and the charger to the place mat, all the same way.  I love how they look. All three pieces are from Pier 1.
Board and batten and plates 047a

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  1. Nifty idea. Love the 3 different colored bird plates. I would love them for my table ware:)

  2. Holy cats! This looks fantastic! You are so dang clever!! I love it.

  3. I love it! Now I know what to do with all of those chargers I have! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Nice to see you Lisa. Beautiful project, as always.

  5. Great artwork! The combination of the placemat, charger and plate is beautiful! Love your board and batten too!

  6. I love the different textures. Great combo!
    smiles, alice

  7. I was eyeing both the charger and the bird plates at Pier 1 just a few days ago. I like how you put all three pieces together.

  8. Those are beautiful. I would have never thought to put those things together. I hope you stop by DIY Home Sweet Home and link up to More The Merrier Monday.

  9. That is just too fantastic!!

    I've seen and loved each of those pieces individually at Pier would have NEVER in a million years occured to me to do something like this.

  10. You are so clever! It looks beautiful on your wall and it's fun to have something a little different. It's very striking. I bought the red bird plates to use for Valentine's Day brunch. Have a great week!

  11. SHUT.UP.

    Lisa, this looks fabulous!! Where did you find those precious plates and the wooden chargers??\

    LOVE THEM!! Looks fabulous!!!

    Lou Cinda

  12. Never Mind! Pier One! I think I was so overwhelmed with what you created with them I skipped over the info!

    LOVE it!

    Lou Cinda ;)

  13. What a great idea :) I know I sometimes find lots of great things for a really cool table but not enough for all the settings - great way to still use the awesome combo!

  14. Lisa these are so pretty! Very clever and thrifty art work! The graphics of the bird plate are wonderful.

  15. LOVE these!! I would like to have the red one in my kitchen!!

    Found you on Tip-Me-Tuesday. Now following you. If you get a chance check me out.

  16. I just found your blog and am your newest follower. This is such a fantastic idea. I'm in LOVE! Thanks for the awesome inspiration.

  17. Wow, these are just stunning. Very different and eye-catching.

  18. I started looking at this post from Tip Junkie.....45 minutes later, after clicking all over your blog I just have to are amazing! I am completely awed by some of the things you've done! Thanks so much for sharing...and entertaining me!!

  19. You have an engaging blog. Your shabby chic is so much more chic than shabby! I particularly appreciate the how-to's for your projects. And I was delighted to find the 2010 post on gardening with old tires, benches, etc. The bench garden idea is perfect for anyone with limited mobility or in a wheelchair. Thanks for the ideas!


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