Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Craft Box Lamp

Dollar Store Trinket Box Lamp 039a
Why do I always stop and look at these wooden craft boxes from the dollar store?  I dunno.  Maybe because one day I knew I’d do something with them?  This time I brought 3 home with me.

Dollar store trinket boxes 002a
I also bought a couple of bricks of clay (we’ll get to those in a bit).
Dollar store trinket boxes 065a-horz
I bought some Martha Stewart craft paint from Michaels.
Dollar store trinket boxes 026a
and a lamp kit from Lowes
Dollar store trinket boxes 074a
I removed the glass top from one of the boxes.  Remove all the front hardware as well.
Dollar store trinket boxes 016a
These boxes are usually slightly rough around the edges (literally), so you’ll need to sand them nice and smooth with a sanding block before you paint them. 
Dollar store trinket boxes 041a
With a little stencil sheet I stencilled each box on three sides. When everything was dry I gave them a coat of Minwax Polyurethane just to smooth it out at bit more.
Dollar store trinket boxes 054a
Drill holes in top and bottom of each box.
Dollar store trinket boxes 062a-horz
Don’t forget to drill a hole through the back of the bottom box to allow the cord to come through.
Dollar store trinket boxes 077a
I weighted down the bottom two boxes with the clay bricks.  These wooden boxes are ultra lightweight and I didn’t want the lamp to become top heavy when the shade was attached. To avoid drilling through the clay I cut the bricks in half, left the cellophane on and glued them down with hot glue.
Dollar store trinket boxes 070a
You’ll need a long threaded rod, long enough to go from the bottom of your lamp to the bottom of the socket.  This doesn’t come with the lamp kit.  The brass rings (seen below) that did come with the kit were too brassy so I painted them copper.
Dollar store trinket boxes 079a
Thread the rod through all the boxes and secure with lock nuts provided in the kit.  Push cord through rod and follow instructions on your lamp kit on how to connect the wires.
Dollar store trinket boxes 082a-horz
Dollar store trinket boxes 087a
Dollar Store Trinket Box Lamp 041a
Add lamp shade and plug ‘er in.
(I need to get a smaller harp for the shade to bring it down a bit)
Dollar Store Trinket Box Lamp 035a
Dollar Store Trinket Box Lamp 062a
Dollar Store Trinket Box Lamp 057a

Dollar Store Trinket Box Lamp 042a
Dollar Store Trinket Box Lamp 027a
Dollar Store Trinket Box Lamp 037a
Not bad for starting with 3 dollar store boxes.


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  1. Okay, that not only is a great thrifty looks Fantastic!!!

  2. Great idea & fun too!
    I love your lampshade...
    Did you make it or buy as is???

  3. I shake my head in amazement at your creativity, skill and talent :) Very nice!

  4. Genius idea and absolutely beautiful.


  5. So creative! Great idea and it's so dang cute!!

  6. OOoh, I love this! What a great idea!

  7. That turned out great, Lisa! I love the colors and the stencils you used! I will have to look for those at the dollar store. I usually look at the ones at Michaels and think there is something I can do with those. I never would have thought of a lamp, but I'll bet it was easier to drill through than some other things I've seen made into lamps.

  8. Love this!! And i saw your tea cup lamp on the sidebar. Wonderful! I will look at those boxes and tea cup thrift finds in a whole new way!Hugs! deb

  9. Sooooo creative! I love it. And your tea cup lamp. Thanks so much for sharing. 8^)

  10. What a great project! Love it!

  11. It's a shame that I have to sit behind this desk until 430pm...I want to go to the dollar store now!! Great idea :)

  12. Just a darling project. Great Job!

  13. Sherry: The hardest part of making this lamp was finding the perfect shade. I bought this one at Lowes.

  14. W.O.W. What a creative and BRIGHT idea! Love it.

  15. How cute is that?? And didn't cost very much to boot!!

    Great job, Lisa

  16. FABulous! You did a great tutorial. And you make it look so simple. Loving ur blog

    Since my mom has the hands and we repurpose lamps for the store my first thought was "Hey, Mom....wanna come over and create some "beach & surfside" box lamps today?"

    Time to do some night reading on your blog tonight ;))

  17. This is adorable! Very creative!

  18. You amazing, talented, woman!! And generous too -for sharing all of your ideas! I'm just gonna go back to bed now.... Ha, ha... :)
    Fabulous results, can you tell that I like it? I have run out of adjectives now, so I will leave you to it.

  19. Are you kidding me!!! They look great. I especially love the words you stenciled on the boxes.

    Did I say great job yet!??


  20. I tend to look at things to ~ bring them home and there they sit! Bravo to you for actually doing something with them. Thanks for the tip on the cookie cutters ~ I will be on the lookout for them.

  21. Wow, amazing. I wish we had a dollar store over here. We have a £ store but it is full of cheap plastic tat. Never anything so good as I see here. A really lovely project and so unique.

  22. My daughter is brilliant and so talented. Can you believe so little can be turned into so much.

    Call your mother.

    Just sayin.....

  23. Another brilliant winner Lisa! I LOVE this!!

    Shared on FJI Facebook for SNS 105 and pinned!


  24. That is so cool. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.

  25. Lisa, what an awesome creation!! YOu did a great job! So creative!! I am now your newest follower via the creation corner blog hop; and I hope you will follow me, too! Blessings to you

  26. Love this - you are so talented! I would have no idea how to make something like this. I've never even used a drill, lol.

  27. Oh my goodness, this is just too cute. I simply love it. I must try this out. Love the stenciling you chose.
    Much love.

  28. Another brilliant idea, well executed! How is so much creativity packed into one person!

    Thank you so much for sharing at my first party Lisa.

  29. Totally Love it!! Very creative! New follower via Coastal Charm!

  30. oh my..are you kidding me ??...throwing it's GORGEOUS!!! and you have transformed it to what a great find..

  31. Fabulous! You did a great tutorial.

  32. Such a great idea. I just pinned this and added it to my "things I want to make" board. Great tutorial too.

  33. I love this, such a great project! I've featured this post on Craft Gossip here:

    If you would like a "featured by" button, you can grab one here:

  34. Where do you find the smaller stencils you used?

    1. I wish I could be sure where I got those from, but it was either Michaels or from the same dollar store that I got the craft boxes from. You should be able to find those at Michaels though.

  35. This is so adorable! I love those stencils too; never saw such ones! Thanks for sharing :)

  36. What a fantastic idea! It looks beautiful. Megan

  37. Good job! Alternatively, I actually thought the stencil itself looked like it would look good glued right on the box.

  38. Love it!! Very different but so adorable!
    Debbie :)

  39. WOW This REALLY is AMAZING!! Your tutorial is so clear and concise. I will maybe get the chance to make it one day. Thank you for blogging :)

  40. merci pour cet article c'est vraiment intéressant ce que tu vient de mettre

  41. c'est un bon article merci pour le partage .

  42. I found your this post while searching for some related information on blog search...Its a good post..keep posting and update the information.

  43. Thanks for sharing :)
    Nice stuff !

  44. It can be used a table in the living room ! I have one aswell. You put some bottles and chips inside :)

  45. pretty cool stuff, thanks for sharing this idea :)


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