Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Coffee Filter Christmas Wreath

Coffee Filter Christmas Wreath2 004b
This simple wreath didn’t start out so simple.  
I wanted the filters to be green.  I used different paints but I didn’t like the way they looked.  I tried dying them with food color but I didn’t like that either. Several attempts later, I gave up and the filters stayed white.
The materials required couldn’t be easier to get.
A Styrofoam wreath form, about 200 coffee filters, hot glue and decorations of your choice.
Coffee Filter Wreath 001a
Fold the basket shaped filter in half
Coffee Filter Wreath 007a

Run the filter through your hand to make a flower, flatten the bottom and apply hot glue.
Coffee Filter Wreath 008a-horz
Start gluing to the inside of the wreath and work your way out.
Coffee Filter Wreath 003a
Coffee Filter Wreath 005a
No need to go all the way around. Leave the back as flat as you can.
Coffee Filter Wreath 011a
Using sharp scissors trim any areas that are uneven.
Coffee Filter Wreath 013a
Hot glue on any decorations you like.
Coffee Filter Christmas Wreath2 005a
Coffee Filter Christmas Wreath2 007a
Coffee Filter Christmas Wreath2 008a
Coffee Filter Christmas Wreath2 013b
Coffee Filter Christmas Wreath2 018a
Coffee Filter Christmas Wreath2 031a
Coffee Filter Christmas Wreath2 035a
Coffee Filter Christmas Wreath2 046a
Coffee Filter Christmas Wreath2 013b
Coffee Filter Christmas Wreath2 041a
Got a spare couple of hours?   Give it a try !
Coffee Filter Christmas Wreath2 041b

If you liked this wreath check out
 the Coffee Filter Wreath for fall, here

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  1. Wow, this is re purposing at its best. You should stop by my blog. I have a vintage garland tutorial and giveaway that I think you might like. Thanks, Cindy

  2. This is gorgeous and I love the silver and red additions! Your whole vignette looks fabulous!
    Jenn :)

  3. Hey :) I'm a newish reader.. Found your blog a while back and have been enjoying it since!

    This wreath is absolutely lovely. Simple but gorgeous! Might have to give it a try :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. This wreath is beautiful Lisa ~ another gorgeous addition to you Christmas decor!

  5. That is just stunning, Lisa! I already Pinned it! : ) You'd never think "coffee filters" when you looked at this. Now you know I have to go to the dollar store today and try one of these over the weekend!

  6. OMGGGGGGGG!!!! That looks amazing :))) YOUR THE BEST LIS! Sooooo creative!

  7. Absolutely gorgeous!! Thanks for the beautiful photos and telling us how you did it! Merry Christmas!

  8. Oh, this is great. I hope you don't mind if I pin it to my Pinterest board...

  9. Superbe idée, je vais essayer
    Bonne fin d'après-midi

  10. Looks beautiful Lisa - Looks like a lot of work though. The additions of the silver and red are what really make it pop. I do admire your talent.

  11. Fabulous, absolutely gorgeous! I have bunches of the cone shaped filters - I'll have to try a variation on this with them.

  12. love this vignette! the coffee filter wreath is lovely!

  13. love, love, LOVE this! Your newest follower (me) happily pinned this :)

  14. Lisa, you make simple things look so elegant and beautiful. I love this!

    LBY Co.

  15. What a beautiful wreath, you would never know it is coffee filters. Great decorations too. Linda

  16. I really love this! It's so far, my favorite project listed on Centsational Girl's linky party. Good job!

  17. You were featured on Craft Envy! Thanks for linking up! Come on over and grab a featured button if you wish.

  18. I've seen this wreath around a lot, but I have never seen one that looks as perfect as your days. Amazingly good!!

  19. Love your blog with all your good ideas.

    I`m your newest follower

    Hugs Bente

  20. Hi. I really am happy I found your blog. With regard to the coffee filter wreath, yours is the prettiest I've seen. Thanks for showing us how to do it.

    Kindly, Dana

  21. I know you had your heart set on green filters, Lisa. But the white - coupled with your lovely embellishments - made an absolutely stunning wreath!

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday again. Hope to see you this week.

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  22. What a sweet project ! Too bad we don't have that kind of filter in here :D

  23. Beautiful wreath, fantastic tutorial!! merry christmas!

  24. It's beautiful! Love the red against the white...just stunning!

    Merry Christmas!

    Lou Cinda

  25. Love the read and white. I did this years ago with 1/2" strips of pink and blue gingham fabric tied into bows and straight-pinned into the wreath as close together as possible (also left the back bare so it could lay against wall.) It was darling.

  26. Very Beautiful! I use dyes to make them in Easter Colors with Cub Scouts. Placement of a few glittered eggs adds to the charm.

  27. you know I am so hooked onto your blog...I not only subscribed but also am following you on Twitter. I'm trying the tyre planter this weekend. Its beautiful.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Thank you for sharing this beautiful pattern! I can't wait to make some!

  30. I am a wreath lover and I just came across this wreath and wow do I ever love it.Guess what everyone is getting for christmas.
    I was also thinking that if you use the natural filters which are a tan browinish color they would make a great thanksgiving wreath.

    1. Absolutely Sharon! I thought of that myself after I did this wreath and I hope to do exactly that for Thanksgiving this year. If you do one, be sure to let me know!

  31. have you tried using tissue paper , you could cut it out using your coffee filter or just forming a piece like you did tthe coffee filter.

  32. You can dye the coffee filter green with food coloring, but you need to put them in the oven to keep the color nice. A trick I've learned over the years.... watch them in the oven on tin foil, on a cookie sheet at about 300 F (medium heat) for 15 minutes (watch carefully, in case they loose the water too quickly and catch fire!) adjust if necessday

  33. Love the way this looks. I'm very new to the crafting so will have to try this. Never would have thought this was made from coffee filters. Thank you for the idea

  34. Thank you so much for this, I love it so much. Have made the first one and working on my second. Im adding wooden cutout, that I have cut and painted to make an Alabama Football one, I can't wait to see how it turns out. And I have found that you can buy a stick of pipe insulation at Lowes for $1.00 and cut in half and make 2 wreaths out of it. Just bring the ends together and take with duct tape. Works wonderful and saves a little cash too. Thanks again for sharing. I do love it.

  35. I used to make wreaths using material and putting little figurines on them but i cut outthe material with peeking sheers and putting in the round styrofoam but i used aleens tacky glue which hold much better than using a hot glue gun. The hot glue reacts to the weather but once you put the whatever you want to use with aleens tacky glue it really hold. I used it when i made my daughters wedding bouque and thier bridesmaids bouque.

  36. I had to share this on facebook and pinterest both!I love simple creative elegance, and this is all of the above:) Thanks so much for sharing!

  37. This was beautiful and easy and cheap to make, thank you. I linked your post to my blog.

    Amanda @

  38. Found this on Pinterest and am making one as I type! But instead of using a $6 styrafoam wreath, I got a 4 pack of pipe insulation from home depot ($2.50), and taped the ends together! Now I can make 4 for the price of one!

  39. I did this with a small round styrofoam circle and dyed the filters with food coloring. I had mine on the door and the sun faded the colors. Glad to see the tip about drying them in the oven to keep the color! Thank-you. This is a beautiful wreath. Gonna have to try this for next year! Now's the time to get the little extras for it! (after Xmas sales)

  40. Wreath is gorgeous.
    I had done one up in blue and silver. I used E6000 glue
    Why couldn't a person use spray paint and do a light touch on the edges of the filters. I may have to try the spray paint method.
    Thanks for the beautiful pictures as well give the instructions.

    1. being in the floral design area what i know best is that if you take like a peice of foil and make a glob of different spray paint spots on it and then dip the edges in what ever color you want would work... i did that coloring my flowers.. its really fun and creative.

  41. Que lindo! Resultou em uma bela guirlanda. Obrigada pelo tutorial.
    How beautiful! Resulted in a beautiful garland. Thanks for the tutorial.

  42. Just finished mine and it turned out wonderful. Thanks again for this fantastic idea. I'll be out looking for the natural brown filters to make a fall Wreath.

  43. Can anyone tell me what size wreath was used to make either this one or the the fall one? They're both awesome! Thanks!

    1. Sorry.. the foam wreath is 14". Thanks for stopping by.

  44. LOVE LOVE LOVE both this one and the autumn wreath. I can hardly wait to move back to the US next summer (we live abroad now) so I can shop in Michael's and Hobby Lobby again. Thanks for sharing this awesome tutorial. Pinned both wreaths AND am a new follower of your blog. Happy crafting! :)

  45. Your wreath is beautiful! Can you please tell me what size coffee filters you used. Regular size for 10 to 12 cup or the smaller size for four cup. Thanks again!

    1. Merry, now there's a question I haven't been asked before! lol And I really don't have an answer for it. I'm not sure the basket filters come in different sizes. I can't say that for sure, but I honestly don't think I've seen a choice in the stores. I know the cone filters come in different sizes. So to answer your question, I'm going to say that they are all the same, IF NOT, then I'd say Larger ones for sure. The basket filters I used were quite large. Sorry! Hope that helps.

  46. I have done these with really old aged paper back book pages, they look sort of antiqued. I lightly brush the edges of the book with a rustic red paint let dry and proceed to take all the pages out and then proceed pretty much the way you have. It IS labor intensive, (all the folding and hot glue) but the end result of this type of wreath is well worth the effort. And using the coffee filter or book pages etc gives you a wide range of options

  47. On your fall wreath it looks more brown then the Christmas one .do they come in brown or just white filters?

    1. You can get coffee filters in white or the unbleached ones that look brown. Either would make a nice wreath depending on the look you are going for.

  48. I just came across this and it took my breath away its very pretty and I plan on making some for Xmas gifts for my girls teachers

  49. My girlfriends & I had a crafting day & we each made this wreath. They came out absolutely gorgeous!! Thanks for posting this tutorial!

  50. How big is the ring that you used

    1. I wouldn't go any smaller than a 14" foam wreath. This one is 14" and it's large enough. If you go too small you don't get enough space in the middle.

  51. Your blog is amazing. Thanks for sharing all that you do.

  52. T he wreath is lovely. Who would of thought that coffee filters would make something so lovely.I am glad I signed up for this site.

  53. Absolutely beautiful. How did you attach the berry branches and the pine cones

    1. All decorations are hot glued on top of the filters

  54. So nice. I had a similar idea with baggies and a wire hanger. Was great for kids to make as gifts for grandparents and teachers.

  55. I so wish I'd seen this about 4 months! We have a shiny red door and the white wreath will look wonderful next Christmas! As the fall wreath will look wonderful next fall as well! The storm door protects the wreath from the weather...... I want to make wreaths for every single holiday.......... St. Patrick's Day is coming up and I NEED to come up with a wreath! Any suggestions?

  56. Cannot get the proper coffee filters here (Ireland) so my son and daughter-in-law while in America bought me some white and natural filters. Now I have no excuse for not trying to make some wreaths. Thank you for very clear instructions. Deirdre

  57. C'est vraiment magnifique, félicitation pour ces belles réalisation, je tenterais de réaliser celle ci pour notre noël. Bien a vous. Tatiana.

  58. This is the first time I've seen these wreaths, they're both beautiful! I'm planning on making them both. I have a question though where did you get the little figures that were displayed under the Christmas wreath? I love those and they all look like they went together. My email is

  59. This is my first time seeing this I love both of them and plan on making them this year I have a question though where did you get the little figures that are displayed under the Christmas one? My email is MJ Colley 07 at

  60. I thankfully got the coffee filters from America. Showed your wreath to my best friend and she requested I make one for her Christmas Present. I gave it my best shot and am very pleased with the result. Thank you for the tutorial.


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