Monday, November 25, 2013

Nightstand Makeovers

At this time of year, I usually turn my hand to holiday crafts.  I adore making anything Christmas related so my furniture refinishing takes a bit of a back seat.
For those of you who tune in specifically to see furniture makeovers, there is a wealth of them all in one place.
Starting with my own Silver Metallic Nightstand.
But wait…. there’s more !
Silver Metallic Night Stands 061a_thumb[6]

I’ve put together a board consisting of 22 beautiful nightstand makeovers.  Take a look over at Hometalk and browse through this incredible collection of very creative nightstand ideas.  There’s one in there that is my all time favorite nightstand makeover.  I think it’s just brilliant.  Can you spot which one it is ?
nightstand makeovers
The days of matching all your furniture is long gone.  Today you can feel free to embrace an eclectic look and really make your room bloom with personality.  These night stands do just that.
This collection consists of everything from an old high chair, to a vintage suitcase, or even an old plant stand and baseball bat.  Very clever indeed.
Take a look at this board over at Hometalk.  I guarantee you’ll be inspired.
CLICK ON THE PICTURE  to be transported to these awesome makeovers.


  1. This is amazing! I love makeovers and this one is one is my favorite. I love your blog! Keep up the good work.


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